What is “WESO”? The WESO is an affiliate of Science Olympiad, a national, non-profit, tax-exempt organiza:on. The Science Olympiad was created in 1983 to increase interest in science and as an alternative to traditional science fairs and single-discipline tournaments. After a series of trials, Olympiads were held in the states of Michigan and Delaware. The Science Olympiad began to grow and now the Olympiad has members in all 50 states, totaling more than 13,500 ac:vely participaing K-12 schools. About 35-40 elementary schools from Washtenaw County parFcipate in the WESO event every year. Each school team is comprised of up to 100 students (50 in grades 2-3, 50 in grades 4-5) who will participate in various events at WESO. Students prepare for these events throughout the school year. Events have been designed to recognize the wide variety of student skills. While some events require knowledge of scientific facts and concepts, others rely on scientific processes, skills, or applicaFons. This ensures that everyone is able to participate in a meaningful way.
Why is the Science Olympiad Effective? Research has shown that coopera:on and teamwork, practice towards an objec:ve, and learning made exci:ng through mo:va:onal ac:vi:es are essen:al ingredients in aZaining academic excellence. The WESO is built upon coopera:ve learning and requires the transfer of conceptual understanding to novel situa:ons. Thus, the WESO helps exercise cri:cal thinking skills and is designed to foster the growth of students' knowledge and understanding of science and technology. Benefits The WESO provides an opportunity for students and other par:cipants to meet and interact with peers and adults of similar interests and talents. Research has concluded that extra-curricular training and accomplishments do show no:ceable predic:ve power of later adult performance, achievement, and accomplishments. The Science Olympiad helps develop productive, high performing adults |
South Arbor Contacts:
Middle School Science Olympiad Head Coach: John Hufnagel Contact: [email protected] Elementary Science Olympiad Head Coach: John Hufnagel Contact: [email protected] |